
My studio practice is materially driven and conceptually multifaceted. Delving into ecofeminist theory, I investigate intersectional concepts of environmental degradation and global inequities. My work considers human labour and eco-ethics, drawing parallels between a culture of disposability of material goods and of human labour. The material base of my art practice is found-plastic. Notions of labour – seen and unseen – are implicit and explicit within these plastic objects. 

My regular coastal walks in County Clare enable me to remove large quantities of plastic from the shore. These items are my source material. I work methodically, delighting in accentuating beauty in frayed and sun bleached turquoise ropes, crumling orange rubber boots, and glittering neon fishing lures. Utilising the objects across diverse media – textile, installation, performance, photography, and film – I advocate for mending and repurposing, for living harmoniously with the planet, for restoration before exploitation, and for non-violent approaches to structural, societal change. Imbuing value back into existent plastic material through art practice suggests an alternative way of life – one resistant to the linear nature of consumerism.